Saturday, January 23, 2010


Why, thank you! :)


Today I spent an hour in the most boring webinar I have ever experienced. These are the notes I took. Left-handed handwriting practice is always valuable.


There are so few moments of genius in ones life... Today I had one :)
I bought these magazine files for all my students who are from different homerooms. It's so neat and tidy now! The kids are finding it so much easier to keep their things organized. Yay!


I had a work day at school today... I was feeling discouraged about all the work I had to do. Then I looked up and realized that even when my dest looks like this, I need to remember...
that I have a bulletin board that looks like this :)

Lord, thank you for letting me be the teacher to such sweet children!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Marybeth and I spent some time at the Flying M reading for our book club :)


Dinner with some friends! We made yummy stir fry!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


My roomie and I decided to make a cake using my new cake pan... we didn't have enough batter to fill the whole pan and we didn't cut off the rounded part, so this is what we got :)

"There is a castle on a cloud..." :)

There was an engineering mishap...

Then, my roomie and I decided to have a sleep over. We pulled over the couches, turned-on a girlie movie and drank some coffee. Good times :)


So many fun things happened today. A PSR worker got engaged at school, I went out to dinner with the staff at my school, I spend time with my roomie... Did I think about taking a picture? Nope... so here you are. This is a picture of me in front of the mirror before I went to bed. Is this artistic or just taken by a bad photographer? Nevermind, don't answer that.


When I drove to work this morning I could only see a few feet in front of my car. It was so wonderful to come out of work and see the sun! It made me appreciate the beautiful farmland around my school :)


My drive home from work :)


Cookies for biggest loser night. I had to go to the store twice for all the ingredients... luckily they are the best cookies ever made thanks to four cookie secrets from Connie Hanson who happens to be a cookie genius.


This is a picture of the big mound of ice outside my classroom door. If you were wondering, saying, "stay off the ice" doesn't work. It's just too big a temptation for 10 and 11-year-olds... ah well. Spring come quickly!!


So, I started this quilt of my t-shirts from my high school and younger days. For those of you who know me, yes, I graduated from high school almost six years ago. I have worked on this quilt maybe five times. The day I took this picture I worked on the quilt more than I had in two years. I've decided to keep all the pieces out so I would HAVE to see them. I'm proud to say that I have worked on this quilt two times since Sunday :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


While my roomie and I were cleaning the kitchen we came across some interesting things...

4 bottles of vanilla... who knew?

5 jars of peanut butter... seriously!
10 holiday mugs... and we have MORE!


Roomie night :)


My mii! My roomie got a Wii for Christmas and we went crazy making miis :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I was having a hard time finding something to take a picture of today. I guess I'm tired, which is sad considering I just had two weeks off... ah well. Anyway, I went outside hoping for a beautiful sunset. At first, I really didn't think I'd found anything beautiful. However, upon further reflection, I remembered that every cloud in the sky is placed by the Creator. That would make EVERY sky a masterpiece. Well, after that perspective, I decided I better take a picture. I wouldn't want to snub God's artwork! :)


Monday, January 4, 2010


My sweet nephew Alex having some yummy pizza at the start of the Fiesta Bowl. You can't tell, but the game was on in the background. It was so fun to watch the game with my brother-in-law's family. I just don't want them to go home... :(


A wonderful friend :)
It's great to have some girl time right before break ends! I love you, Jackie!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Andrea wanted a picture where her hair looked nicer... :)

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year! It's so cute to watch Seth and Alex watch football together.


My last picture of 2009... cleaning-up Christmas aftermath :)